Json Path syntax for response-transformer

Good morning all,

We are working with Kong 1.1rc1-centos (Docker version) and are trying to modify the following response:

“globalparameter”: {
“parameterName1”: “newaccount”,
“parameterValue1”: “T1n5Mb38p1”,
“parameterOperator1”: “equals”,
“parameterName2”: “contentReviewerGroupCode”,
“parameterValue2”: “ACCT”,
“parameterOperator2”: “equals”,
“parameterName3”: “documentDate”,
“parameterValue3”: “2017-08-07|2019-02-07”,
“parameterOperator3”: “range” }

The modification is to remove parameterOperator3 so we end up with this json:

“globalparameter”: {
“parameterName1”: “newaccount”,
“parameterValue1”: “T1n5Mb38p1”,
“parameterOperator1”: “equals”,
“parameterName2”: “contentReviewerGroupCode”,
“parameterValue2”: “ACCT”,
“parameterOperator2”: “equals”,
“parameterName3”: “documentDate”,
“parameterValue3”: “2017-08-07|2019-02-07” }

Among many tries, we are using this:

curl -X POST http://localhost:8001/routes/route-service2/plugins
–header ‘Content-Type: application/json; v=1’
–data “name=response-transformer”
–data “config.remove.json=globalparameter.parameterOperator3”

Unfortunately this doesn’t remove anything. If I just use ‘globalparameter’ instead of ‘globalparameter.parameterOperator3’, then the whole json gets emptied out. Anyone can either help or point me to the correct documentation for the syntax?



Note: Here is what I tried so far
–data “config.remove.json=globalparameter.parameterOperator3”
–data “config.remove.json=globalparameter[parameterOperator3]”
–data “config.remove.json=globalparameter.parameterOperator3:range”
–data “config.remove.json=globalparameter.parameterOperator3:range”
–data “config.remove.json=globalparameter[parameterOperator3]:range”
–data “config.remove.json=parameterOperator3”
–data “config.remove.json=parameterOperator3:range”
–data “config.remove.json=searchParameters1[parameterOperator3]:range"

Am I the only one with this issue?

I met the similar problem, not “remove” but “replace”, In my opinion, Kong can only apply to the first lay of Json, not the second or third, if you check the original code on the github, you will find there is not any logical codes refer the second Json