In traditional mode installation we can't use prometheus plugin?

if we want more metrics in traditional mode installation what should we do?

What makes you think you can’t use Prometheus in a traditional deployment?

Have you tried via the Admin API using the config described below?

Hi @Mobi - Of course, you can use Prometheus in traditional mode. The documentation link is already shared by @Nicky .

For your second question about more metric, you can use Loki along with Prometheus. But Loki is independent than your Kong gateway and there is no plugin for Loki.

What I did in my project is, I have installed Loki, Grafana and FluentD where I have few more extra graphs, charts and metrics for my Kong container logs. I also run Loki queries in Grafana to check the logs.

BTW, there are other logging, analytics and monitoring plugins available in kong. Just refer below link and use them as per your need